Revealing The Secrets Behind Your Competitors Facebook Ads
Are you a social media marketing guru? A curious CPC investigator? or just want to find your competitors Facebook Ads for help with your own ads, the experts at SociallyIn are ready to reveal the secrets behind finding your competitors Facebook Ads. Ready to get started?
It’s easier than you think, we promise. Not to mention that it’s also free.
The first step is to navigate to the competitors page you want to spy on. On the left side of the page, find the button: “Info and Ads” which is where you can find out everything you need to know about your competitors Facebook Ads. Crazy, I know. This tool exists to give users the opportunity to see the “active ads” a brand has running, but we can use it for our own marketing research.
As you scroll through down, you’ll get a glimpse at what your competitor is using to promote their own services or products, as well as the strategies they’re using. A wonderful tool, but something you also need to handle carefully. Why? Let us explain.
When it comes to market research, it's important for a business to remember that outright copying someone else's strategy is not the way to succeed. Sure, we might notice they have a well-rounded system that seems to be doing well, but this kind of research means more than just staying level with competitors. Finding and then learning as much as you can about your competitors Facebook Ads is the first step in finding success through outdoing your competitors strategy.
And notice the key word here is “using” instead of “copying” a competitors Facebook ad strategy. Because again, we don’t want to copy our competitors, we want to use their information to improve our own Facebook Ad strategy. Genius, right?
There are a few important things to keep in mind while analyzing your competitors ad strategies.
Is Your Competitor Using This Strategy For Long Term Success? Or Is It Experimental?
This is an important question because thought it might seem successful, if it is purely experimental and the results begin to fall from a seemingly steady position, you might begin feeling like you’ve wasted a lot of time, money and research for little to no results in return. So how do we fix this issue? Simple. Doing regular research on your competitors Facebook Ads will help you narrow down experimental work versus a regular ad schedule. By checking in once or twice a month, you’ll be able to narrow down real time results while removing the guessing games from the playing field.
2) What Can I Do To Improve The Ad Copy For Better Results?
If there’s anything that helps make a successful ad, it’s the ad copy. For Facebook ads, you need something captivating that will make readers want to click over and learn more. What is your competitor doing for ad copy that can be improved upon?
Like on Facebook: Are There Other Ways You Can Improve Your Ads?
Are your competitors ads focusing too much on one product? Are the banners sized and positioned properly? What else might be causing less clicks or conversions?
Finding your competitors Facebook Ads and improving upon their strategy is one of the best things you can do for your brand and for your business. It allows for flexibility, experimentation and success in fewer steps than ever before. So if you’re stuck trying to find ways to beat the competition over Facebook, we’re here to help.